Saturday, 6 June 2009

The Things That Google Does

Now that Bing's the thing, I have stumbled across some Google capabilities that I didn't know existed. I have been using Google as my search engine of choice for many, many years but I had absolutely no idea it could do things other than search. So, without further ado, here's a list of ways to have fun with Google ...

Its a calculator ...
Type (1+1)/0.5 into the search box, or even 36% of 134, or 2^8.
It Tells You the Weather Forecast ...
Type weather:PO29JY, or weather London.
It Converts Units for You ...
Type 100 parsecs in light years, 1 kg in pounds etc.
It's a Capitalist's Tool ...
Type stock MSFT, or even just a stock code e.g. VOD.
Don't wake up Your Relatives Abroad ...
time adelaide
Speak to Your Relatives Abroad ...
Answer the Ultimate Question ...
Type this into the search box: the answer to life the universe and everything

I'll bet there are many other useful features. Let me know if I've missed something!

1 comment:

  1. Movies:

    cinema oxford

    (in return for your nice comments about citeulike...)
